News from the Senate (17th June 2022)
2 min readJun 17, 2022
AMAs and more protocol updates, this week’s summary on everything Fortunas Finance.
Pre-Development Updates
- We decided to push the private sale closer to the release date (6/27/22) to help build influencer confidence.
- Integrating our smart contracts will be next on our roadmap to launch!
- We decided to decrease the APY for the hardest war (against Hannibal) down to 137,045% to prevent exploitation while still providing investors a high yield.
- We decided to cancel our existing lottery system and are planning on making a brand new one! (This does not affect our roadmap, as we were always planning on releasing it at a later date)
- We will have a ‘luck’ factor in your returns. For example, during harder battles, there is a 70% to win your rebases, this chance will increase the longer you fight in the war!
- We recently had an AMA with Pump Signal. You can read a great AMA summary by clicking the link here:
- We have AMAs with some big influencers coming soon!
- We recently launched an Instagram page! Go follow us through the link here:
Stay tuned for more news to come!
How to get Whitelisted
Join our discord channel or telegram group and wait for news regarding the Whitelist giveaways! There will be many whitelist slots available and the earlier you join, the higher the chance of you getting one.
Discord invite: