News from the Senate (3nd June 2022)
2 min readJun 2, 2022
This week's summary on everything Fortunas Finance.
Pre-Development Updates
- The website is finished! You can view the amazing site here:
- The team made a fantastic pitch deck PDF, which summarizes the protocol in 3 pages. Feel free to read and share it:
- Our Founder, Luke Tull, has doxxed! He recently made a video explaining how the protocol works on Fortunas Finance’s Youtube channel. You can view it here:
- The team is currently AHEAD of schedule and has completed the UI and developed the smart contracts before the due date!
Current Roadmap
- We have decided to call our protocol the “Decentralized Rewards Protocol” or DRP for short.
- DRP is neither a rebase nor a staking protocol. It is a unique blend of multiple protocols which is designed to be sustainable in the long run.
- We will be using DRP in our marketing from now on.
What’s Next?
- We are doing dApp integrations and QA testing to ensure that the site is bulletproof.
- We are ramping up Twitter marketing to bring exposure to the protocol.
How to get Whitelisted
Join our discord channel or telegram group and wait for news regarding the Whitelist giveaways! There will be many whitelist slots available and the earlier you join, the higher the chance of you getting one.
Discord invite: